Conference Articles
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List of conference articles:
Ahmed — Monte Carlo simulation of light scattering from diatom frustules of Gomphoneis sp.
Benghorieb, Saoudi, and Tishchenko — Mie theory applications to study response of metallic nanospheres in a nanocomposite medium
Berdnik, Gritsai, and Loiko — Retrieval of particle parameters with the neural networks by multi-angle light scattering data
Berg & Videen — Holographic imaging of particles
Borovoi & Kustova — Light scattering by large faceted particles
Cellino, Belskaya, Delbó, Levasseur-Regourd, Muinonen, Penttilä, and Tedesco — A new three-parameter H, G1, G2 magnitude phase function for asteroids
Censor — The need for a first-order quasi Lorentz transformation
Déau, Brahic, Dones, and Porco — Benchmark of convolution and deconvolution models: implications for planetary opposition surges
Dlugach, Mishchenko, and Liu — Numerically-exact computer modeling of light scattering by random absorbing media
Dlugach(2), Mishchenko, and Mackowski — Numerical simulations of light scattering characteristics of ice fractal particles
Eremin, Eremina, Grishina, and Wriedt — Analysis of the extreme transmission effect via discrete sources method
Eremina — Modeling aspects of computer analysis of light scattering from red blood cells
Francis, Renard, Hadamcik, Couté, Gaubicher, and Jeannot — New studies on scattering properties of four kinds of soot
Francoeur, Mengüc, and Vaillon — Thermal impacts on performances of nanoscale-gap thermophotovoltaic energy conversion devices
Gogoi, Rajkhowa, Choudhury, and Ahmed — Development of a software package for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering from small particles
Grishina, Eremina, Eremin, and Wriedt — Comparison of different TIRM schemes based on the DSM
Guirado, Moreno, and Muñoz — Circular polarization of light scattered by a non-central region of a comet
Hadamcik, Levasseur-Regourd, Renard, Lasue, and Sen — Observations and laboratory simulations of asteroids by polarization measurements
Hellmers, Berg, Thomaschewski, and Wriedt — ScattPort light scattering internet information portal: present state and further development
Hovenier & Muñoz — Light scattering by horizontally oriented particles: Symmetry properties of the phase matrix
Iatì, Cecchi-Pestellini, Cacciola, Saija, Denti, and Borghese — Extinction by stratified interstellar dust grains
Il'in, Farafonov, and Vinokurov — Theoretical and computational aspects of the SVM, EBCM, and PMM methods in light scattering by small particles
Kahnert — Black carbon aerosol optics in chemical data assimilation and climate forcing studies
Kiselev, Clauss, Kaye, Hirst, Greenaway, Ulanowski, Hesse, and Schnaiter — Measurements of circular depolarization of light scattered from single ice particles
Kolokolova, Tishkovets, and Buratti — Phase angle variations in absorption bands as a manifestation of the coherent backscattering effect
Krieger & Meier — Observations and calculations of two-dimensional angular optical scattering (TAOS) patterns of a single levitated bi-sphere
Kyurkchan & Demin — Simulation of electromagnetic scattering characteristics of particles with anisotropic surface impedance
Kyurkchan(2) & Smirnova — Solving diffraction problems by the T-matrix and the pattern equations methods
Kyurkchan(3) & Manenkov — Diffraction of the plane wave on the grating consisting of the impedance bodies of revolution
Levasseur-Regourd — Light scattering by cometary dust
Lindqvist, Nousiainen, Zubko, and Muñoz — Light scattering by porous volcanic ash particles
Lindqvist(2), Muinonen, and Nousiainen — Ice crystal classification based on silhouettes
Loiko & Berdnik — Light scattering by a disperse layer with closely-packed two-layered spherical particles
Loke & Mengüc — Interaction of nanoparticles on a substrate with an AFM probe: DDA-SI formulation
Loke, Nieminen, Heckenberg, and Rubinsztein-
Dunlop — Modelling of high numerical aperture imaging of complex scatterers using T-matrix method
Lumme — Light scattering by dust particles in the solar system with assessments of both direct and inverse problems
Mackowski, Kolokolova, and Sparks — T-matrix approach to calculating circular polarization of aggregates made of optically active (chiral) materials and its applications to cometary dust observations
Mackowski(2) — A T-matrix method based on a plane wave spectrum
Mauno, Nousiainen, McFarquhar, Timlin, Kahnert, and Räisänen — Modeling of radiative impact of a cirrus cloud based on microphysical in-situ measurements
Merikallio, Lindqvist, Nousiainen, and Kahnert — Single-scattering by mineral dust particles modeled with spheroids
Mikrenska & Koulev — Monte Carlo simulations of multiple light scattering by large non-spherical particles
Min & Jeffers — Light scattering in circumstellar disks
Mishchenko, Cairns, and Travis — Aerosol remote sensing with the NASA Glory mission
Miskevich & Loiko — Two-dimensional photonic crystals: method of coherent transmission and reflection coefficients computation
Moussaoui, Saoudi, Tishchenko, and Chassagneux — Tunable optical properties of ZnS nanoparticles
Muñoz — Laboratory measurements for small particles in single-scattering conditions
Muñoz(2), Moreno, and Guirado — Experimental determination of scattering matrices of dust particles at visible wavelengths: The IAA light scattering apparatus
Muinonen & Pieniluoma — Scattering of light by Gaussian-random-ellipsoid particles
Muinonen(2) & Zubko — Coherent backscattering by spherical media of spherical particles
Myroshnychenko, Carbó-Argibay, Rodríguez-Fernandez, Pastoriza-Santos, Pérez-Juste, Liz-Marzán, and García — Interaction of light and fast electrons with metallic nanoparticles
Näränen, Parviainen, Muinonen, Josset, Beauvivre, Pinet, Chevrel, Koschny, Grieger, and Foing — Lunar single-scattering, porosity, and surface-roughness characteristics with SMART-1/AMIE
Nousiainen, Muñoz, Lindqvist, Mauno, and Videen — Scattering of light by mineral-dust particles much larger than the wavelength
Nousiainen(2), Lindqvist, and McFarquhar — Light scattering by quasi-spherical ice crystals in tropical cirrus
Oszkiewicz, Muinonen, and Pieniluoma — Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo inversion of asteroid photometric lightcurves for retrieving spins and shapes
Parviainen, Näränen, and Muinonen — Soft X-ray fluorescence from particulate media
Paton, Pesonen, Muinonen, Kuosmanen, Kohout, Laitinen, and Lehtinen — Reflectance spectra of meteorites
Peltoniemi, Hakala, and Suomalainen — Measurements of spectral and polarised bidirectional reflectance factor of various natural and artificial land surfaces
Penttilä & Lumme — Specular gloss simulations of media with small-scale roughness
Penttilä(2) & Lumme — Cubature orientation averaging scheme
Petrov, Shkuratov, and Videen — Electromagnetic wave scattering from particles of arbitrary shapes using the Sh-matrix technique
Popov, Priezzhev, Lademann, and Myllylä — Alteration of skin light scattering and absorption properties by application of sunscreen nanoparticles: a Monte Carlo study
Prokopyeva, Il'in, Farafonov, and Vinokurov — Polarizing efficiency of nonspherical scatterers of different structure
Roy, Mahatta, Barua, Buragohain, and Ahmed — Monitoring of pathogen carrying air-borne Camellia sinensis dust particles by light scattering
Ruoskanen — Atmospheric halos provide means to estimate shapes and orientations of airborne ice crystals
Savenkov, Muttiah, Oberemok, and Klimov — Measurement of block-diagonal scattering matrix
Schäfer & Kienle — Numerical study of diffraction effects in light scattering by multiple cylindrical scatterers
Schmidt, Schuh, and Wriedt — Iterative solvers for T-matrix and discrete sources methods
Sen & Das — Dust models for cometary grains to explain optical polarization
Shcherbakov, Tishchenko, and Goreinov — Novel approach for modeling optical properties of systems containing large number of metal nanoparticles
Shkuratov, Psarev, Stankevich, Ovcharenko, and Videen — Why the opposition spikes of regolith-like media are usually sharp and do not show rounding off
Sivaprakasam, Lou, Currie, Czege, and Eversole — Optical characterization of individual bio-aerosols
Tyynelä, Leinonen, Moisseev, and Nousiainen — Modeling radar backscattering from melting snowflakes at C-band using DDA and TMM
Tyynelä(2), Zubko, Muinonen, and Videen — Interpretation of single-particle negative polarization at intermediate scattering angles
Ulanowski, Kaye, Hirst, and Greenaway — Light scattering by ice particles in the Earth's atmosphere and related laboratory measurements
Vaillon, Geffrin, Merchiers, Eyraud, Sabouroux, and Lacroix — A novel implementation of a microwave analog to light scattering measurement set-up
Velikodsky, Kaydash, Shkuratov, Opanasenko, Korokhin, and Videen — Opposition effect of the Moon from ground-based and space observations
Vilaplana, Luna, and Guirado — A single scattering study using fluffy particles and sphere aggregates in random orientation
Vinokurov, Il'in, and Farafonov — A Python library for computing light scattering by multilayered non-spherical particles
Witt — Light scattering by interstellar dust: Assessments of related direct and inverse problems
Voshchinnikov & Yakovlev — The relationship between grain shape and interstellar polarization
Wriedt & Wilkens — Differentiating between sintered and non-sintered aggregates
Yurkin — Light scattering simulations with the discrete dipole approximation
Zouros & Tsogkas — Electromagnetic scattering by an inhomogeneous circular cylinder using fast convergent series expansions
Zubko, Videen, Shkuratov, Muinonen, and Yamamoto — The Umov effect applied to single particles
Zubko(2), Furusho, Kawabata, Yamamoto, Muinonen, and Videen — Interpretation of spectro-polarimetry of comet 17P/Holmes during outburst in 2007