Conference Program
Please see also the one-page version of the program. You can check the locations of the ELS'XII conference venue etc. in ELS'XII Map.
Monday, June 28
registration open 8:30 – 9:00, 10:30 – 11:00 and 12:30 – 13:00
Session 1.1 — Solar-system particles I
University Main Building, Small Auditorium
9:00 – 10:30
Chair: Joop Hovenier, Karri Muinonen
Vice-Rector Ulla-Maija Forsberg Opening words
Muinonen Who's who at ELS'XII
Lumme (invited) Light scattering by dust particles in the solar system with assessments of both direct and inverse problems
Dlugach Numerically-exact computer modeling of light scattering by random absorbing media
Kolokolova Phase angle variations in absorption bands as a manifestation of the coherent backscattering effect
coffee, 10:30 – 11:00
Session 1.2 — Discrete-dipole approximation
University Main Building, Small Auditorium
11:00 – 12:30
Chair: Daniel Mackowski
Yurkin (invited) Light scattering simulations with the discrete dipole approximation
Zubko Interpretation of spectro-polarimetry of comet 17P/Holmes during outburst in 2007
Vilaplana A single scattering study using aggregates of spheres in random orientation
Wriedt[Hellmers] Differentiating between sintered and non-sintered aggregates
Tyynelä Interpretation of single-particle negative polarization at intermediate scattering angles
lunchbreak, 12:30 – 14:00
no prereserved place
Session 1.3 — Experimental measurements I
University Main Building, Small Auditorium
14:00 – 15:30
Chair: Ulrich Krieger
Muñoz (invited) Laboratory measurements for small particles in single-scattering conditions
Hadamcik Observations and laboratory simulations of asteroids by polarization measurements
Peltoniemi (invited) Measurements of spectral and polarised bidirectional reflectance factor of various natural and artificial land surfaces
Paton Reflectance spectra of meteorites
coffee, 15:30 – 16:00
Session 1.4 — Solar-system particles II
University Main Building, Small Auditorium
16:00 – 17:30
Chair: Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd
Mackowski T-matrix approach to calculating circular polarization of aggregates made of optically active (chiral) materials and its applications to cometary dust
Zubko[Videen] The Umov effect applied to single particles
Shkuratov[Videen] Why the opposition spikes of regolith-like media are usually sharp and do not show rounding off
Velikodsky Opposition effect of the Moon from ground-based and space observations
Mikrenska Monte Carlo simulations of multiple light scattering by large non-spherical particles
Nousiainen Scattering of light by mineral-dust particles much larger than the wavelength
Savenkov Measurement of block-diagonal scattering matrix
19:00 – 20:00
Helsinki City Reception, City Hall
Tuesday, June 29
Session 2.1 — T-matrix method
University Main Building, Small Auditorium
9:00 – 10:30
Chair: Timo Nieminen
Petrov (invited) Electromagnetic wave scattering from particles of arbitrary shapes using the Sh-matrix technique
Mackowski A T-matrix method based on a plane wave spectrum
Kyurkchan[Smirnova] Solving diffraction problems by the T-matrix and the pattern equations methods
Kyurkchan Diffraction of the plane wave on the grating consisting of the impedance bodies of revolution
Schmidt Iterative solvers for T-matrix and discrete sources methods
coffee, 10:30 – 11:00
Session 2.2 — Interstellar and circumstellar particles
University Main Building, Small Auditorium
11:00 – 12:30
Chair: James Hough
Witt (invited) Light scattering by interstellar dust: Assessments of related direct and inverse problems
Iatì Extinction by stratified interstellar dust grains
Voshchinnikov The relationship between grain shape and interstellar polarization
Min (invited) Light scattering in circumstellar disks
lunchbreak, 12:30 – 14:00
no prereserved place
Session 2.3 — Experimental measurements II
University museum Arppeanum
14:00 – 15:30
Chair: Fernando Moreno
Berg (invited) Holographic imaging of particles
Krieger Observations and calculations of two-dimensional angular optical scattering (TAOS) patterns of a single levitated bi-sphere
Loke[Nieminen] Modelling of high numerical aperture imaging of complex scatterers using T-matrix method
Vaillon A novel implementation of a microwave analog to light scattering measurement set-up
Muñoz Experimental determination of scattering matrices of dust particles at visible wavelengths: The IAA light scattering apparatus
coffee, 15:30 – 16:00
Session 2.4 — Atmospheric particles I
University museum Arppeanum
16:00 – 17:30
Chair: Timo Nousiainen
Mishchenko (invited) Aerosol remote sensing with the NASA Glory mission
Kahnert Black carbon aerosol optics in chemical data assimilation and climate forcing studies
Francis New studies on scattering properties of four kinds of soot
Lindqvist Light scattering by porous volcanic ash particles
Merikallio Single-scattering by mineral dust particles modeled with spheroids
Wednesday, June 30
Session 3.1 — SVM, DSM, DDA, and other methods
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
11:00 – 12:30
Chair: Nikolai Voshchinnikov
Il'in[Vinokurov] (invited) Theoretical and computational aspects of the SVM, EBCM, and PMM methods in light scattering by small particles
Eremin Analysis of the extreme transmission effect via discrete sources method
Grishina Comparison of different TIRM schemes based on the DSM
Loiko Two-dimensional photonic crystals: method of coherent transmission and reflection coefficients computation
Penttilä Specular gloss simulations of media with small-scale roughness
lunch, 12:30 – 14:00
Serenade Buffet restaurant
Session 3.2 — From Nanoparticles to Special Relativity
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
14:00 – 15:30
Chair: Pinar Mengüc
Censor The need for a first-order quasi Lorentz transformation
Loke Interaction of nanoparticles on a substrate with an AFM probe: DDA-SI formulation
Myroshnychenko Interaction of light and fast electrons with metallic nanoparticles
Shcherbakov Novel approach for modeling optical properties of systems containing large number of metal nanoparticles
Zouros Electromagnetic scattering by an inhomogeneous circular cylinder using fast convergent series expansions
Schäfer Numerical study of diffraction effects in light scattering by multiple cylindrical scatterers
coffee, 15:30 – 16:00
Session 3.3 — Biological particles
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
16:00 – 17:30
Chair: Maxim Yurkin
Eremina (invited) Modeling aspects of computer analysis of light scattering from red blood cells
Sivaprakasam[Eversole] Optical characterization of individual bio-aerosols
Ahmed Monte Carlo simulation of light scattering from diatom frustules of Gomphoneis sp.
Roy Monitoring of pathogen carrying air-borne Camellia sinensis dust particles by light scattering
Popov[Priezzhev] Alteration of skin light scattering and absorption properties by application of sunscreen nanoparticles: a Monte Carlo study
18:30 – 19:30
SOC meeting, conference cabin
20:30 –
Conference Dinner, Serenade Bistro Maximé
Thursday, July 1
Session 4.1 — Demos
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
9:00 – 10:00 (Swedish time UTC+2)
Chair: Evgenij Zubko
Penttilä Cubature orientation averaging scheme
Muinonen[Pieniluoma] Scattering of light by Gaussian-random-ellipsoid particles
Gogoi Development of a software package for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering from small particles
Vinokurov A Python library for computing light scattering by multilayered non-spherical particles
Hellmers ScattPort light scattering internet information portal: present state and further development
10:00 – (Swedish time UTC+2)
Possibility to visit Stockholm. Ship leaves at 17:00 (local time).
Session 4.2 — Posters
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
15:30 – 17:00 (Swedish time UTC+2)
Chair: Karri Muinonen
Benghorieb[Tishchenko] Mie theory applications to study response of metallic nanospheres in a nanocomposite medium
Berdnik Retrieval of particle parameters with the neural networks by multi-angle light scattering data
Cellino[Muinonen] A new three-parameter H, G1, G2 magnitude phase function for asteroids
Déau Benchmark of convolution and deconvolution models: implications for planetary opposition surges
Dlugach Numerical simulations of light scattering characteristics of ice fractal particles
Francoeur[Mengüc] Thermal impacts on performances of nanoscale-gap thermophotovoltaic energy conversion devices
Gogoi TUSCAT: an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) for light scattering studies on spherical and nonspherical particles
Hellmers ScattPort light scattering internet information portal: present state and further development
Kyurkchan Simulation of electromagnetic scattering characteristics of particles with anisotropic surface impedance
Lindqvist Ice crystal classification based on silhouettes
Loiko Light scattering by a disperse layer with closely-packed two-layered spherical particles
Moussaoui[Tishchenko] Tunable optical properties of ZnS nanoparticles
Näränen[Muinonen] Lunar single-scattering, porosity, and surface-roughness characteristics with SMART-1/AMIE
Nousiainen Light scattering by quasi-spherical ice crystals in tropical cirrus
Oszkiewicz Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo inversion of asteroid photometric lightcurves for retrieving spins and shapes
Parviainen[Muinonen] Soft X-ray fluorescence from particulate media
Prokopyeva Polarizing efficiency of nonspherical scatterers of different structure
Ruoskanen Atmospheric halos provide means to estimate shapes and orientations of airborne ice crystals
Tyynelä Modeling radar backscattering from melting snowflakes at C-band using DDA and TMM
JQSRT anniversary session & cocktails
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
17:00 – 18:00 (Swedish time UTC+2)
Chair: Michael Mishchenko
J. Ruoskanen: Halo presentation
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
18:00 – 18:30 (Swedish time UTC+2)
20:00 – (Swedish time UTC+2)
Dinner, Silja Buffet restaurant
Friday, July 2
Session 5.1 — Atmospheric particles II
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
9:00 – 10:30
Chair: Michael Kahnert
Ulanowski (invited) Light scattering by ice particles in the Earth's atmosphere and related laboratory measurements
Borovoi Light scattering by large faceted particles
Hovenier Light scattering by horizontally oriented particles: Symmetry properties of the phase matrix
Kiselev Measurements of circular depolarization of light scattered from single ice particles
Mauno Modeling of radiative impact of a cirrus cloud based on microphysical in-situ measurements
coffee, 10:30 – 11:00
Session 5.2 — Cometary particles
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
11:00 – 12:30
Chair: Olga Muñoz
Levasseur-Regourd (invited) Light scattering by cometary dust
Guirado Circular polarization of light scattered by a non-central region of a comet
Sen Dust models for cometary grains to explain optical polarization
Muinonen Coherent backscattering by spherical media of spherical particles
lunch, 12:30 – 13:15
Serenade Buffet restaurant
Session 5.2 — Discussion & JQSRT Young Scientist Award
Silja Serenade, Atlantis Palace
13:15 – 14:30
Chair: Michael Mishchenko