Analysis of the extreme transmission effect via discrete
sources method
Y. Eremin*,1, E. Eremina2, N. Grishina1 and T. Wriedt3
- 1 Moscow Lomonosov State University, Vorobyov's Hills, 119991 Moscow, Russia.
- 2 University of Bremen, Badgasteiner str.3, 28359 Bremen, Germany.
- 3 Institute of Materials' science, Badgasteiner str.3, 28359 Bremen, Germany.
The Discrete Sources Method (DSM) has been adjusted to model polarized light transmission through metal film deposited on a glass prism with nano-sized inhomogeneity. A correlation between Extreme Transmission Effect (ETE) and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) has been investigated. The distribution of the scattered intensity in the peak of ETE has been analyzed.
- * Corresponding author