Observations and laboratory simulations of asteroids by
polarization measurements
E. Hadamcik*,1, A. C. Levasseur-Regourd1, J. - B. Renard2, J. Lasue3 and A. K. Sen4
- 1 UPMC Univ. Paris 06, LATMOS/IPSL, 11 Bld d'Alembert, 78280 Guyancourt, France.
- 2 LPC2E/CNRS, 3A Avenue de la recherche scientifique, 45071 Orléans cedex, France.
- 3 LPI, 3600 Bay Area Bld, Houston, TX 77058-113 USA.
- 4 Assam Univ., Silchar 788001, India.
We present polarization observations of C-type asteroids and of (21) Lutetia, one of the targets of the Rosetta mission. The (21) Lutetia phase curves are compared to C-type and M-type asteroid phase curves. In a second part of the work, we use powdered meteorites to compare their polarization at two wavelengths to those observed for different asteroids, e.g., (21) Lutetia and (2867) Steins (the second asteroid observed by Rosetta).
- * Corresponding author